
The MAT is currently seeking Trustees to join the MAT Board. 

View the Trust Delegation of Responsibility Checklist here.

The information on governance included here supplements that described in the Trustees' Report and in the Statement of Trustees' Responsibilities.

Members and Directors/Trustees

Our Members are: 

Member Date of Appointment  Appointed by 
Rt Revd Martin Seeley 01/08/2015 Members
Gary Peverley (Corporate Member) 25/09/2024 Umbrella Trust
Neil Watts 09/05/2016 Members
Fiona Fisk 02/09/2024 Members
Revd. Robin King 02/09/2024 Members


The board of directors is the accountable body for the performance of all schools within the trust and as such must:

  •  Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  •  Hold the executive to account for the educational performance of the schools and their pupils, and the performance management of staff
  •  Oversee the financial performance of the trust and make sure its money is well spent.

Directors are bound by both charity and company law, so are also known as ‘trustees’.  As the charity trustees (within the terms of section 177(1) of the Charities Act 2011) directors are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the trust in accordance with the provisions set out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Our Directors/Trustees are:


Latest Date of

Term of office  End of term Appointed by
Andrew Blit (Chair) 09/05/2022 4 Years 08/05/2026 Members
Alister Gourlay 13/07/2023 4 Years 12/07/2027 Members
Sarah Rees 23/07/2023 4 Years 22/07/2027 Members
Stephen Cole 28/11/2021 4 Years 27/11/2025 Members
Karen Williams 04/12/2023 4 Years 03/12/2027 Members
Jane Addis 01/01/2024 4 Years 31/12/2027 Members
Jane Sheat 19/03/2023 4 Years 19/03/2027 Members
Tracey Caffull (CEO) 01/09/2024 4 Years 30/08/2028 Board

Our members and directors who have left recently are:



Latest Date
Resigned Appointed by
Thomas Brooke Director 19/03/2015 31/12/2023 Members
Revd Sally Letman                Director 25/10/2021 03/09/2024 Members

The Board has three committees:



Terms of Reference
Finance and Audit Karen Williams PDF Icon Terms of Reference
Standards Sarah Rees PDF Icon Terms of Reference
Premises and Risk Management Jane Addis PDF Icon Terms of Reference

This attendance information is based on meetings held from September 2023 to August 2024. The Board of Trustees meets a minimum of five times a year. The Board has formally met five times during the reporting period. 

The Board of Trustees attendance was as follows:

Trustee Meetings attended  Out of a possible 
Jane Sheat 5 5
Tom Brooke 2 2
Andrew Blit  5 5
Stephen Cole 3 5
Alister Gourlay 3 5
Revd Sally Letman                4 5
Sarah Rees  4 5
Karen Williams  3 5
Jane Addis 2 3

The Finance and Audit Committee is a sub-committee of the main Board of Trustees.  It meets a minimum of five times a year and its purpose is to take a strategic view on the forward planning of MAT finances, make recommendations to the Board on the financial sustainability of prospective schools, monitor income and expenditure and consider financial risks and audit recommendations.

The Finance and Audit Committee attendance was as follows:

Trustee Meetings attended  Out of a possible 
Jane Sheat 5 5
Andrew Blit                            5 5
Karen Williams  5 5
Sarah Rees 4 5

The Standards Committee meets three times a year. Attendance at the meetings in the year was as follows:

Trustee                     Meetings attended  Out of a possible
Jane Sheat  3 3
Sarah Rees   3 3
Stephen Cole  1 3
Andrew Blit  3 3
Alister Gourlay 2 3

The Premises & Risk Management Committee meets three times a year. Attendance at the meetings in the year was as follows:

Trustee                   Meetings attended  Out of a possible
Jane Sheat   3 3
Tom Brooke  1 1
Revd Sally Letman    1 3
Karen Williams   3 3
Jane Addis  2 2
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