Autumn Term News 2018

Chelmondiston forest schoolThe air was still warm at the start of the autumn term and a hint of summer remained in the air. As the wheel of the year spun round and the nights drew in, schools celebrated the traditional activities associated with the year’s closing months. Harvest Festival, Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day all feature in school calendars, with 2018 particularly focusing on the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day.  Children participated in projects involving art, poetry, literature and history to learn and commemorate all those lost in World War I and subsequent wars.  Beautiful poppy displays were created accompanied by the thoughtful words of our children.

The run up to Christmas then saw Christingle events, nativity plays and carol concerts to celebrate the birth of Jesus. 

In day to day life, as well as working hard on the ever more demanding curriculum, schools have been busy receiving visitors who lead assemblies and enrich pupils' experiences.  Events have been organised for Anti-Bullying week and children have fund raised through Macmillan Coffee Mornings and Children in Need activities.

Please access information on all MAT schools, via the links below, to view some lovely pictures and see just how busy our children are in their learning.

PDF Icon All Saints, Newmarket                           

PDF Icon Bramfield                                         

PDF Icon Brampton                     

PDF Icon Chelmondiston                                         

PDF Icon Eyke                                               

PDF Icon Hintlesham and Chattisham           

PDF Icon Mellis                                                     

PDF Icon Morland                                           

PDF Icon Nacton                                                     

PDF Icon Sproughton                                             

PDF Icon St Mary's, Hadleigh                         

PDF Icon St Mary's, Woodbridge                 

PDF Icon Stoke by Nayland                                     

PDF Icon Tudor                                               

PDF Icon Long Melford               

PDF Icon Ringsfield

First published on: 7th January 2019
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